Hessel GTO

What is a Group Training Organisation?

POSTED ON February 21, 2023

Playing a vital role in providing quality training to students, a Group Training Organisation (GTO) is industry-based and accredited by the National Training Authority (NTA) to provide nationally-recognised training and to connect trainees to host employers to build workforces and create skilled employees for the future.


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Hessel GTO Field Officer, Bernie meets with Trainee, Brooke who is studying for a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care while working with her host employer.

There are more than 350 GTO's across Australia employing around 25,000 staff across all industries. 

A (GTO) is a business model that allows businesses to outsource their employee training needs to a single, centralised provider. GTOs offer their clients various services, from basic safety and compliance courses to more specialised and advanced programs. 

By outsourcing their training requirements to a GTO, businesses can save time and money while ensuring that their employees receive the highest quality training.


Kelsey completed her traineeship in 2022. She studied Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability) CHC33015 while working with SACARE. Kelsey was well supported in the workplace and was able to apply her new skills directly in the live working environment.

What are the benefits of using a group training organisation? 

There are many benefits for businesses of any size and from any industry to use a group training organisation to help recruit, train and onboard trainees, including:

Cost savings:

GTO’s save businesses time and money by running the recruitment processes for trainees, enrolling them into Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) and providing support for both the trainee and the host organisation throughout the traineeship.


GTOs offer a high degree of flexibility regarding scheduling and delivering training programs. Businesses can tailor their training programs to suit their specific needs and requirements.


Through the management of the GTO, trainees and host organisations are supported to succeed with frequent reporting and communication with all stakeholders through a dedicated field officer.


GTOs offer a convenient way for businesses to outsource their training and recruitment needs. Businesses can free up internal resources that would otherwise be devoted to training and recruitment by engaging a GTO. The recruitment process is managed by the GTO in partnership with the host organisaiton who has the final say on who gains the traineeship with them.

Employee retention: 

GTOs can help businesses to retain their employees by providing them with high-quality training programs. By investing in employees' development, businesses can create a positive work environment and improve staff morale. This can lead to increased employee retention rates and reduced staff turnover with a clear career progression pathway.

Competitive advantage: 

GTOs can give businesses a competitive edge by providing them access to the latest training methods and technologies. This can help businesses to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a strong position in their industry.

Risk management: 

GTOs can help businesses to manage risk by ensuring that employees are trained in health and safety procedures and policies. This can help to reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring and minimise the impact of any potential incidents.

Improved productivity: 

GTOs can help businesses improve their overall productivity by providing employees with the skills and knowledge they need to be more effective in their roles. This can lead to increased output and a higher level of efficiency.

Increased customer satisfaction: 

GTOs can help businesses to improve their customer service levels by providing employees with the skills and knowledge they need to better serve their customers. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction rates and improved business results.

Improved bottom line: 

GTO’s can help businesses to improve their bottom line by reducing the costs associated with recruitment, training and development. Businesses save time and money while ensuring employees receive the highest quality training and mentoring.

Hessel Group Training Organisation (GTO)

GTO Trainee Graphic_reducedHessel GTO makes it easy for businesses to take on trainees. Whether you need to fill a skills gap or meet peak workloads, we have enthusiastic trainees ready to learn and excel within your organisation.

Hessel GTO trainees are placed with host employers where they can take their nationally recognised training and skills into the workplace and gain practical experience to enhance their learning.

While organisations can build their skilled workforce pipeline with trainees learning from their experienced staff.

If you're interested in taking on a trainee for your organisation, contact us to learn about the support system we can offer to ensure your business and the trainee thrive.

How Does Hessel GTO help your business? 

Are you ready to earn while you learn?

Want to know more? Contact Hessel GTO today

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