We are excited to announce the launch of VIVA Mutual.
It was a great pleasure and honour to be a part of the launch of VIVA Mutual last week. In attendance were Hessel Group’s Chief Executive Tanya Cole and Operations Manager Darrel Tan. Alongside, Honorable David Pisoni, Minister for Innovation and Skills and the Mayor for Charles Sturt Council Ms. Angela Evans.
What is VIVA Mutual?
VIVA Mutual is a cooperatively owned not-for-profit organisation that will deliver local, personalised health and wellbeing support services through a connected network of dedicated support workers, and health and care professionals. Inspired by Buurtzorg, and developed by The Healthy Collective and Hessel puts mutuality at the heart of their business. VIVA Mutual understands that engaged employees provide the highest quality care and low staff turnover, making VIVA more successful. Profits are reinvested in the workforce, innovation and growth.
VIVA Mutual’s first self-managed teams will operate in the early onset dementia space, offering a range of at-home services. We are here to help people to live as independently as possible. This means working in a way that promotes a 'can-do' attitude and identifies strengths in each individual.
We look forward to seeing what the future holds for VIVA Mutual.
Want to learn more about VIVA Mutual? Click here