Enhance Training

National Careers Week 2023

POSTED ON May 15, 2023

National Careers Week is now on - May 15-21 and it presents a great time and reminder for everyone to think about their careers and open their eyes up to the opportunities within their chosen industries or beyond.


It is also the opportunity to acknowledge the pathway we have chosen so far and how it can shape our future. There is no right or wrong when it comes to your chosen career, just excellent lessons and experiences on which to build upon to follow our dreams.

Are you happy with your current work life balance, is there room for improvement, can you develop new skills? These are just some of the questions you may ask yourself. It might be time to write a list of professional goals to aim for in the short term. Or you might want to dream big and make plans to reach an even larger professional goal. Regardless, now is the time to make a start.

You also have a wealth of resources available to you to help guide you. Start with your immediate family, consider their careers and the pathways they undertook, their inspirations and also the opportunities they had available to them. Your friends, let them inspire you too, draw on their networks and knowledge. Don't stop there, google can help and can your local library or council chambers that can lead to job network providers.


Here's a list of activities you can start today:

  • LinkedIn - Do you have a profile? Is it up to date?
  • Resume - Where is it? Is it up to date?
  • Profile Photo - Is it up to date? No problem, have a friend take a new one of you - white background, portrait mode on your phone.
  • Seek - when was the last time you had a look at the opportunities on offer?
  • Study - You've thought about it - time to investigate a little further - go on.

Current industries that need skilled and passionate workers: Aged Care, Disability Support, Early Childhood Education. These industries provide secure career opportunities with room for further development and growth. Every day working in these fields is different and provides great personal rewards, knowing that you're making a difference for your clients and their families.

Enhance Training offers nationally recognised courses in the care sector, view them here.

Hessel Group is hiring - view our opportunities here!


Download the e-book below for more information about a career in care!

[ET] EBook_3 Reason To Study A Career in Care_Cover


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