Enhance Training

Altogether Now

POSTED ON May 25, 2023

Our organisation relished the chance to come together to share an overview of where we are at as we head towards the end of the financial year and the changes and results we want to see for 23/24 and beyond.

Chief Executive, Tanya Cole welcomed staff to our Welland site with an acknowledgement of country and an introduction for the day. All staff from Hessel Group Allied Health and Support Services, Enhance Training, Hessel GTO, Hessel Children's Centre and Hessel Group attended.

Chief Strategic Officer, Brad Seaman revisited the organisations vision, mission, purpose and values and how this aligns to the strategic plan, culture, business goals and objectives. Brad talked about our 'DNA', our capability and how this leads to our new focus for the future.

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Chief Operating Officer, Teresa Santillo then ran the group through the results from our recent staff satisfaction survey with data pulled together by our people and culture officer, Kristie Brinkworth. Overall the results were very positive with some excellent suggestions and feedback received from the team. This sparked input, opening up an engaging half hour of discussion and ideas sharing. Teresa also presented a summary of our recent achievements which provided an excellent opportunity to the team to look back on the year and appreciate the positives and acknowledge the challenges.

Teresa then presented a general overview of the business' financials and the contribution across the different businesses that make up Hessel Group. This gives the team transparency and optimism about how we can come together as a team and grow.

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The SWOT analysis exercise followed in teams to note our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats which proved to be productive and inspiring.

The day finished sharing pizza and the obligatory team photo. 🔽

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We can't wait to see what the new financial year brings for Hessel Group as we continue to deliver committed, collaborative and creative services to our clients and the South Australian community.


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Meet the Administration Team here

Meet the Enhance Training Team here

Meet the NDIS Allied Health Team here

Meet the Hessel Children's Centre Team here


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