Allied Health Services

Music Therapy Benefits for Children with Autism

POSTED ON October 9, 2023


Music Therapy is beneficial for children with autism for a variety of reasons. The structured and predictable nature of music, combined with its engaging and non-verbal characteristics makes it an excellent therapeutic medium for addressing the unique challenges and harnessing the strengths of children on the autism spectrum.

Here's how music therapy can be advantageous for these children:

  1. Improved Communication: Many children with autism struggle with verbal communication. Music therapy can help these children find alternative ways to express themselves. For instance, they can use instruments to communicate emotions or learn to respond to musical cues.

  2. Sensory Regulation: Music offers both auditory and tactile stimulation. Playing an instrument or feeling the vibrations from a drum can help children with sensory processing issues modulate their sensory input, leading to better self-regulation.

  3. Emotional Expression and Understanding: Through songs and musical activities, children can explore and express their feelings. This can be particularly useful for children with autism who may have difficulty identifying or communicating their emotions.

  4. Structural Predictability: Music has a natural structure, with predictable rhythms and sequences. This predictability can be comforting for many children with autism, who often prefer routine and structure.

  5. Motor Skills Development: Playing instruments, dancing to music, or engaging in rhythm exercises can help children develop both fine and gross motor skills.

  6. Cognitive Development: Music activities, like following musical patterns, remembering song lyrics, or understanding the sequence of a song, can stimulate cognitive processes and enhance memory, attention, and sequencing skills.

  7. Enhanced Auditory Processing: Engaging with music can help children with autism improve their auditory processing abilities, assisting them in distinguishing between different sounds and understanding nuanced auditory cues.

  8. Motivation and Engagement: Many children with autism have a natural affinity for music. Their intrinsic motivation to engage with music can be harnessed for therapeutic gains, making interventions more effective and enjoyable.

  9. Stress Reduction: Just like in the general population, music can have a calming and soothing effect on children with autism, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.

Hessel Group's Music Therapy sessions include the use of all sorts of instruments and gadgets including a tongue drum pictured below. A tongue drum is a percussive musical instrument that belongs to the idiophone family. It is a melodic instrument that produces sound through the vibrations of parts of the instrument itself, without the use of strings, membranes, or external resonators.

Tongue Drum-min

Incorporating music therapy into the intervention plan for children with autism provides a multifaceted approach that addresses social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs. While it's essential to tailor interventions to each person's unique needs and preferences, music therapy offers a versatile and effective tool to support the holistic development of children on the autism spectrum.

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