Hessel Group Training Organisation (GTO) has celebrated the completion of another traineeship with Kelsy completing her studies and is now a qualified Disability Support Worker.
Kelsy's 12-month traineeship included studying for her Certificate III in Individual Support - Disability (CHC33015) with Enhance Training RTO 40387 one day a week while working 4 days per week with her Host Employer, SACARE. This allowed her to implement her new skills into the workplace which enhanced her learning while gaining confidence in her work.
Kelsy was based at SACARE Magill and was supported by the team in her role lead by Supported Accommodation Manager, Jody Boundy.
"Kelsy is reliable, punctual and shows empathy and compassion when working with participants with a disability"
Supported Accommodation Manager,
Jody Boundy
"Kelsy has been a model trainee, she is eager to learn and supports our participants with respect and choice. It has been a pleasure to have Kelsy complete her traineeship with us at SACARE Magill."
On completion, we asked Kelsy about the last 12 months:
Why did you choose to apply for a traineeship?
I wanted to get hands-on experience and gain practical skills in the industry whilst studying at the same time.
What attracted you to the industry?
I was interested in the care industry as it suits my strengths and personality type. I also liked the idea of working with a diverse range of people.
What were your career goals before the traineeship and what are they now?
I was unsure of a specific career goal, however, I knew I had an interest in the care industry and knew disability would be a good starting point and could lead to other career pathways. I am now interested in working with younger people with disabilities and eventually want to go into youth work.
Best part about the job?
Working with and building connections with such a diverse range of clients and workers. Also, doing different things with clients such as going out, participating in different activities etc made the job fun and more enjoyable.
Best part about the study?
Always knowing I had support and could ask any questions or gain additional support if needed throughout the study.
The teams at SACARE, Enhance Training and Hessel GTO wish you well Kelsy.

The Disability sector can be a very confronting and challenging industry for a young person, Kelsy would prove this statement wrong. Kelsy was committed to her Traineeship, eager to learn a new skill, expand her knowledge and implement the practices within her workplace environment.
As I observed Kelsy on her first site visit, I was expecting a young lady that would still be trying to navigate her way in the industry. Not Kelsy. She interacted with a variety of participants with a variety of disabilities, supporting participants to engage in a social creative class. Kelsy was respectful to all the participants, she smiled, spoke with kindness, and when the participants spoke, she stopped and listened with intensity.
Kelsy had developed skills that can take some students a lifetime, the feedback from her supervisor indicated Kelsy was a valuable team member, listed to her peers, could follow instructions and asked questions. Kelsy did mention she was still trying to interpret behaviors of concern and have the confidence to set boundaries as she didn’t want to offend her participants.
Kelsy continued to develop her skills, refining her skills to support complex participants with complex behaviors. Kelsy is mature beyond her years and will be a valuable team member and Support Worker.
Melinda Averis, Individual Support Trainer