Allied Health Services

A Day in the Life of a Speech Pathologist: Navigating the World of Communication

POSTED ON September 11, 2023

The sun's first light filters through the blinds as the alarm buzzes to life. For many, a new day brings routine tasks, but for a speech pathologist, it is another opportunity to change lives, one word at a time.

Morning: Preparation and First Clients

7:00 AM: Coffee in hand, Hessel Group's speech pathologists begins by reviewing the day's appointments. The schedule often includes a diverse range of clients, from children with articulation issues to stroke survivors working to regain their speech.

8:00 AM: Hessel Group's first session often involves a young child. Using playful techniques, such as board games or storytelling, the Speech Pathologist works to correct lisps or other articulation challenges.

9:30 AM: Transitioning to older clients, the next session may involve aiding someone with a stutter. By teaching techniques to control the rhythm and flow of speech, a speech pathologist can help clients gain confidence in their communication skills.


Midday: Paperwork, Consultations and Research

11:00 AM: While paperwork might not be the most exciting part of the job, documenting each client's progress is crucial. These notes can guide future sessions and provide essential information to other healthcare professionals.

12:00 PM: Lunch break! A chance to recharge and perhaps chat with colleagues about any challenging cases.

1:00 PM: Time for some research. Whether it's reading the latest studies on aphasia treatments or looking for new tools and toys to engage young clients, continued learning is a big part of the profession.

Afternoon: Diverse Sessions and Collaborations

2:00 PM: The afternoon may see a session with an adult recovering from traumatic brain injury. The session might involve memory exercises, language tasks, or even singing to stimulate different parts of the brain.

3:30 PM: Collaboration is key. Our speech pathologist might meet with a multidisciplinary team, including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and doctors, to discuss a patient's holistic care.

5:00 PM: The final session might be a teletherapy appointment, catering to clients who cannot visit in person. This has become increasingly common, especially post-pandemic, broadening the reach of speech therapy services.

Evening: Reflection and Relaxation

6:00 PM: As the day winds down, it's time for some personal reflection. What went well? Which strategies were most effective? What can be done differently next time?

7:00 PM: Just like everyone else, our speech pathologist needs some downtime. This might involve reading, catching up on a favourite TV show, or simply spending time with family.


From the outside, it might seem that a speech pathologist's day revolves solely around correcting stutters or lisps. However, delve deeper and you'll find a profession embedded in empathy, continuous learning and the relentless pursuit to give every individual the gift of clear communication.

Whether they're helping a young child pronounce their first full sentence or aiding a person in regaining their ability to speak after a stroke, the impact of a speech pathologist resonates deeply, echoing in every word their clients confidently utter.


Join Hessel Group's Allied Health team as a speech pathologist click HERE to learn more!

To learn about Hessel Group's Speech Pathology services, click HERE.

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